Soft Skills Training
Refine your professional toolkit with our wide range of soft skills courses designed to empower you by enhancing your interpersonal abilities, essential for success in any career path.
All our courses are not funded or subsidised and not redeemable with SkillsFuture credit. All courses are conducted in English; unless stated otherwise.
Communication Skills
- Better Grammar for Business Course
- Dealing with Difficult People Course
- Editing and Proofreading Skills Course
- Email Writing and Etiquette Course (Online)
- Email Writing with Impact and Clarity Course
- How To Talk To Anyone: The Art of Everyday Conversation Course
- Kickass Presentations Intensive Course
- Persuade Like a Lawyer Course
- Speak to Impress: Presenting with Impact! Course
- Switch from Singlish to Standard English Course
- The Art of Technical Writing Course
- The Transformative Power of Story: Using Storytelling to Lead, Sell, and Influence Course
- Uncover Your Communication Power Towards Greater Understanding Course
- Writing Effective Emails Course
- Writing Effective Minutes of Meeting Course
Personal Development and Workplace Skills
- Adapt, Evolve and Change – Embracing Changes in an Ever-Transforming Work Environment Course
- Clear and Concise Report Writing Skills Course
- Critical Thinking and Decision-Making Skills Course
- Facilitating Discussions and Meetings Skills Course
- From Awareness to Action: Implementing DEI in the Workplace Course
- Managing Conflict and Confrontation The Less Stressful Way Course
- MEMORY Empowerment for Higher Efficiency Course
- Navigating Flexible Work Arrangements Course
- Nurturing Your Creative Brain Course
- Problem Solving The 8D (Disciplines) Approach Course
- Quality Control Tools for Data Analysis and Problem Solving Course
- Reducing Stress While Optimizing Your 24/7 Course
- Systematic Approach To Solve Problems and Make Decisions Course
- The Real Approach (and Human Side) of Project Management Course
- Working with Multi-Generational Colleagues Course